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Adult Learner Success



Have an adult learner success story or testimonial?

Jacques Abungwe fled to the United States from the war-torn country of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Jacques’ path in adult education, would lead him higher than he could have imagined. He states, “No one comes this far to be unsuccessful.”

All the way from Iraq, Wurood Alazzawi would not allow language to become the barrier that would stop her from achieving success. Adult education gave her the education and training she needed to pursue the medical career of her dreams.

Bridget Anderson’s dyslexia threatened to shut her out from success until adult education intervened in her life. With the help of her English teacher, Bridget states, “Now I know I can do anything I set my mind to.”

Adult education helped LeMar Anderson realize that his past bad choices did not have to imprison him for the rest of his life. After 23 years behind bars, the vocational classes LeMar took while inside equipped him with the skills he needed to own his own successful business and pursue his dreams of giving back to the community.

Growing up in the Dominican Republic, Marcos Bonilla-Cruz came to the United States. Adult education opened his eyes to all of the opportunities he had before him, and even he could not believe the path he ended up taking.

After years of housing insecurity, adult education gave Scott Boswell the tools he needed to pursue a career in technology. Now he is the role model he always wanted to be for his children.

Adult education has fueled Ginessa Brown’s future goals. With two daughters to support, Ginessa enrolled in adult education and aimed high to achieve her dreams in the medical field.

When Howie Cao moved to the U.S. from Vietnam, he knew adult education would help him learn English. He didn’t realize that it would help him find an exciting career path.

In regular high school classes, Isabella Davis found herself harassed and bullied. Adult education gave Isabella the acceptance she needed to find her own niche and move forward academically.

A medical doctor back in her home country of Cuba, Greity Dominguez faced two daunting challenges when she came to the United States: learning English and practicing medicine in America. Adult education allowed her to do both.

LaShonda Easter had to put her education on hold to care for her children. After 27 years, adult education helped her boost her core academic skills so she could pursue higher education.

After a head-on collision with a drunk driver robbed her of her ability to walk, Chelle Ferguson discovered adult education and decided to start her life over in an exciting new legal profession.

A former preschool teacher in Mexico, Esmerelda Flores was disappointed to realize she could not continue her same career in the U.S. without increased English skills. Adult education not only helped Esmerelda upskill her English ability, and it allowed her to aim higher for a new administrative career in the United States.

After years of mental health issues and cycles of substance abuse, Stacie Ford lost custody of her three children and adult education became her only hope. With a cycle of alcoholism behind her, Stacie knew that the best was yet to come.

After years of drug addiction, incarceration, housing insecurity, and depression, adult education gave Danielle Gillens the means to lead the life of fulfillment and purpose she had always longed for.

Maria Guerrero entered the Integrated English Literacy and Civics Education (IELCE) program to learn English, improve her communication skills, and expand her job opportunities. She states, “This program… has allowed me to find the job of my dreams!”

After over 30 years living in addiction and domestic violence, Kelli Gunter started her road to recovery and rehabilitation. Adult education gave her the skills to empower others with similar struggles.

After 20 years out of school, Lynn Hamblin thought education would be impossible now that she was a mom of twins. Adult education, however, connected her to an incredible support group which helped her meet and surpass her goals.

As soon as his supervisors found out he could not read, Mike Hatten was never able to advance. Adult education not only gave him the tools to read, it provided a new and exciting career for him at the age of 53!

Adult education opened the door for Anneyris Hernandez to serve the members of her community while being well paid. And her dreams are just getting started.

Hoping for a better life for her four children, Marlene Hernandez moved to the United States and enrolled in adult education. Marlene was highly qualified back in her home country, but her lack of English skills would make employment almost impossible. Adult education stepped in and fulfilled her highest career aspirations.

Surrounded by negativity, Caprea Horn refused to be held down. After years of dedicating her life to meeting the needs of her siblings, adult education provided Caprea a way to stake a claim on a future of her own.

After the crushing loss of her baby, Hayley Howard had to decide whether she would give up or continue her path forward through adult education. Her decision would help her chart a new path forward out of her grief and into a surprising career.

A teacher and mother from India, Jagroop Kaur came to Sacramento full of excitement for a new job. The reality of finding one, however, felt difficult and intimidating. Adult education helped Jagroop to find a rewarding career that utilized her gifts.

After putting her education on hold to become a mother, Blu Kelley wanted to discover more about herself and her potential. Adult education awakened a love for learning that she never had before.

With his high school education derailed and his life in shambles, Jonah Kihoi found himself in drug court. Adult education gave Jonah the tools to get his life together and begin dreaming big.

When Wendy Longmoore happened upon a brochure at the bank for an adult education program, a world of opportunity called her away from her dairy farm and into a new and exciting career.

When difficult life circumstances took away Haziel Lopez’s opportunity for education, he nearly gave up on having any life goals and his self-esteem was broken. Adult education gave him a second chance.

As a young person Tania Lugo’s future goals had nothing to do with education. She never dreamed that enrolling in adult education would become one of the most influential decisions she ever made.

Charlene Lull found herself in a new city without many prospects. Recently divorced and looking for ways to support her three children, Charlene came to NWACC’s Adult Education program with high hopes.

Adult education is helping Jose Lupercio take his first steps toward two of his biggest goals in life: connecting more deeply with his English-speaking children and rising at his company to provide better for his family.

After ten years at his company, James Macias was offered the promotion of a lifetime, but only adult education could have provided him the high school diploma he needed to take hold of it.

Adult education gave Maira Marroquin the language skills to begin her pursuit of higher education in the United States. With her expanded English skills, she is now well in pursuit of her educational goals.

Adult education gave Patrick Martin a foundation to build upon as he broke free from years of drug and alcohol addiction. They could not believe the results that came from him taking this first step.

When David Maxwell’s wife unexpectedly passed away, David felt the heavy burden of finances looming over him and knew he needed to upskill his resume. Adult education filled him with hope for a way to provide for his boys in the midst of immense grief and loss.

When Bruce McCallie had to drop out of high school to help his family during an interstate move, adult education placed Bruce on the fast-track to a world of possibilities.

Nicole Moliga found herself out of work with two grandsons to support, and underqualified for nearly every position she applied for. As she began looking for work, she realized that without a high school equivalency exam every door was closing on her.

After moving here from Colombia, Yolanda Molina Chica desperately wanted to become a U.S. citizen. Adult education gave her the English skills she needed to begin pursuing her dreams in America.

Adult education was there for Lily Mostad when the traditional high school model no longer worked for her life. Her results surprised everyone, and she finished her program in record time.

Raiza Montoya found adult education when she came here from Caracas, Venezuela in 2018. It provided a pathway to improve her English skills and gave her the tools she needed to follow her dreams of owning her own business.

Growing up homeschooled, Cristian Morales had finished 12th grade online, but he needed to pass the GED® exam. He states, “Don’t overthink it if you’re trying to advance your education. Go for it!”

A series of bad choices led Jayce Munoz down a dark path in Denver. But, keeping a promise to his beloved mother, he pursued adult education and has taken steps towards his dream career.

Adult education showed Mousumi Murmu that a medical career was possible, even after having children. She states, “I feel proud. I am a woman, I am smart, and I know I can do anything.”

Toneshia Nelson decided it was time to empower herself and lead her children and grandchildren by example. The journey was difficult because of her many medical challenges, but the results she attained made it all worth it.

Disappointed to realize he was too old to enroll in high school when he came to the U.S., adult education empowered Cristian Orejarena Monroy to aim high and take the first steps to realizing his dreams of a medical career.

When a vicious rumor spread in high school, Ashanti Posey thought that was the end of education for her. Little did she know, adult education would meet her twenty years later and change her life.

Karina Ravkina-Matousov needed a program that would allow her to work a full time job and complete her high school education. Adult education met her where she was at, and propelled her to success beyond her wildest dreams.

At 15 years old, Krista Roberson wanted a real job that could earn her a real salary. Adult education kindled excitement in Krista for a new culinary career path ahead.

Although she was a bright, focused student, Lindsey Roberts decided to drop out halfway through her junior year of high school. Her constant migraines interfered with her education and threatened her future ambitions, but adult education gave her the flexibility she needed to provide her an alternative path to career success.

Born during the post-depression era in West Texas, Patty Rogers worked many interesting jobs in her lifetime, but she always wanted to earn her high school diploma. Adult education helped Patty achieve her 58-year-old dream.

After a turbulent teenhood, Eddie Rivera found himself incarcerated, but not forgotten. Adult education breathed life into the dreams he had always had, and upon reentry, Eddie began to chase his second chance with everything he had.

In his home country of Syria, Majd Saad held a prestigious professional position for many years. Adult education gave Majd a path back to success as he began his new life in America.

Originally from India, Harjit Sandhu found it hard to adapt to the technology commonly used in the American workplace. Adult education allowed Harjit to upskill her resume so that she could achieve success in a new country.

After a lifetime of being put down by his own family, Richard Sandoval was able to finally believe in himself and find his potential through adult education.

Diagnosed with Crohn’s disease and depression, Maria Grace Schmid dropped out of high school in 2017. Once she discovered adult education, finally her dream of pursuing a medical career that allowed her to give back to her community was within reach.

Upon arriving in the United States, Innocent Sengabira Nkurunziza realized that his prior degree would not be accepted in U.S. hospitals, and he turned to adult education to help him fulfill his dreams of a career in medicine.

Overcome by weight-related health problems at the age of 20, adult education provided Meegen Smith with new hope and the determination to make a better life for herself and her kids. She states, “I’ve gone from jail, addiction, and pain, to barbells, protein, power, and a Lexus!”

Years of drug dependence left Hunter Smith-Hilton searching for a new chance at life. Adult education gave Hunter the boost she needed to reclaim the life (and love) of her dreams!

After devoting decades of her life to her children and grandchildren, Marisol Soto decided it was her turn to chase her dreams. Adult education has put her on the path to begin her studies towards a fulfilling career.

Adult education gave Fousseyni Soumare the confidence he needed to overcome his worries about life in a new country. Many challenges awaited him, however, his years of hard work would certainly pay off.

Adult education gave Mamadou Soumare the head start he needed in a new country and fueled his dreams with possibilities. He states, “My journey to America may be over, but my journey in America is not.”

When his company instituted a new payroll system that required everyone to input their educational history, David Tanner knew his secret was out. At the age of 58, he realized he would have to start over.

After years of child-rearing, Millicent White Duncan knew she needed her GED® credential to create a better life for her and her children. Adult education changed Millicent’s life, but the legacy it created for her children would prove to be her finest achievement.

Although he was a bright student, Jeremy Wilson did not see the value of high school and dropped out. Adult education was there for Jeremy when he found himself presented with a new career opportunity that required a high school diploma.

Ashlyn Woolsey had always struggled to learn in the regular school system, and one day she finally decided to drop out. Adult education opened up career pathways for Ashlyn and helped get her future back on track.

After attending the Houston Community College (HCC) Adult Education orientation meeting, Jose Zambrano realized he needed a goal to fuel his ambition, and he decided to take his dreams all the way to the top.

Adult education gave Jessica Zhang the skills to communicate and connect with the people around her. With her improved English skills, she has also decided to pursue a college degree.

Hoping to improve her English skills, Bing Zhou joined an adult education class. Here Bing formed a long-term friendship that blossomed into a successful (and delicious!) business.