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COABE Data Fact Sheet

Alabama State Fact Sheet

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Adult Learner Success Stories


Adult education showed Millicent that it was never too late to experience success.

After over 30 years living in addiction and domestic violence, Kelli turned to adult education to start her life again.

Once Ashley Johnson tasted success in adult education, she knew she could not stop at her high school diploma. Today, Ashley is not only chasing her dreams, she is reaching back to pull others along with her.


COABE Data Fact Sheet

Alabama State Fact Sheet

State Data Analysis

County/State/National Map

Adult Learner Success Stories


Adult education showed Millicent that it was never too late to experience success.

After over 30 years living in addiction and domestic violence, Kelli turned to adult education to start her life again.




“When I started class, I was working in a chicken plant. Although I was happy to have a job, the job proved to be too much. I often worked overtime so I could pay my bills. My health began to decline. I lost weight, energy, and the desire to go to class. It’s hard to concentrate on algebra when you’ve put in a 16-hour shift. Somehow I survived. I got a better job and was able to devote more time to school. My teachers encouraged me every step of the way. One thing I realized while preparing for the GED® test is that I love to learn. The next chapter in my life has already begun. I received a full-tuition scholarship and will soon start welding classes. I have come a long way, and I could never have made it without the help of my teachers.”

Amber Hudson

Adult Learner, Northeast Alabama Community College

“This class means a lot to me. I’m learning to read, and it makes me feel like I’m somebody. Book learning is what I didn’t have, and it made me feel shy and afraid. Now I feel better. I’m going to stay with it as long as this class, and the teachers will put up with me.”


Adult Learner, Goodwill Easterseals of the Gulf Coast