Adult Education Innovations

Chabot-Las Positas/Mid-Alameda County Consortium
Mid-Alameda County, California
The Challenge
In order to better serve adult learners, members of the Chabot-Las Positas/Mid-Alameda County Consortium (MACC) agreed that each member would hire or assign staff to provide support for student transitions. Adding staffing or increasing hours was fairly easily addressed in the larger, more established agencies, while smaller agencies in the Tri-Valley area – most in the mode of building infrastructure at the time – struggled to add transition specialist staff.
The Solution
To address the challenge, MACC members in the Tri-Valley area agreed to pool resources to hire one experienced, full-time transition specialist to serve the three adult schools and the Tri-Valley Regional Occupational Program and to liaise with Las Positas College. The transition specialist provides assistance on a rotating basis among the participating schools and is co-located one or two days per week at the Tri-Valley One Stop office, thus allowing her to offer a range of critical services to students.
The Outcome
The MACC Tri-Valley transition specialist does not have to reinvent the support services wheel at each agency served. Rather, she applies her in-depth knowledge of regional supportive services, schools and employment preparation services to benefit students across the region. She has established a reliable practice that is responsive to programs and students, and she represents the consortium in the community in a consistent and well-informed manner.